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News / Re: Deal: Ungewöhnliches und k...
Last post by Werner Barowski - Today at 14:05:24
Gibt es bei ebay als "DocGreen S9" für 649,99 €
News / Re: Samsung verliert Führung i...
Last post by UmstrittenerNutzer - Today at 14:02:20
Wieviele Handys sind das insgesamt?
Nach meiner Erfahrung deuten große Prozentzahlen (460, 1473) auf sehr niedrige Verkaufszahlen. Denn derartige Wachstumsraten sind im sechsstelligen Bereich nicht möglich.

Aber versuchen wir es herauszufinden.
Nur 1% der verkauften Smartphones 2023 sollen Foldables gewesen sein.
Im ersten Quartal 2023 wurden 280 Millionen Smartphones verkauft. Also 2,8 Millionen Foldables.
Honor hat 3% verkauft, somit 84.000 Geräte.
Eine Steigerung von 460% macht 470.400 Geräte in Q1 2024.
Das sind 12%, hochgerechnet also weltweit 3,92 Millionen verkaufte Foldable.
Von 297 Million wären das 1,32 %.
Kommt hin. Kleine Steigerung, aber weiterhin unbedeutend. Weshalb man lieber mit Wachstumssteigerungen statt Verkaufszahlen wirbt.

kantar com/inspiration/technology/ownership-of-foldable-smartphones-accounts-for-just-1-percent-of-total-smartphones
ounterpointresearch com/insights/global-smartphone-market-q1-2023-infographic/
counterpointresearch com/insights/infographic-q1-2024-smartphones-mobile-market-monitor/
News / Mit zwei Linsen und farbiger N...
Last post by Redaktion - Today at 14:00:58
Mit zwei Linsen und einer beweglichen Optik: Eine neue Überwachungskamera soll auch besonders große Areale problemlos abdecken können und bietet dabei eine farbige Nachtsicht. Die Nutzung im Außenbereich ist möglich.
News / Next OnePlus flagship Android ...
Last post by Redaktion - Today at 13:49:52
Certain brands are tipped to pair the upcoming top-end Snapdragon 8 Gen 4 with unusually large batteries for their 2025 crop of Android flagship smartphones. However, according to an industry insider, that apparently presents the companies with a dilemma: keep their class-leading wireless charging tech, or pack those battery upgrades.
Miscellaneous / Re: Is the MacBook still worth...
Last post by heffeque - Today at 13:44:00
Quote from: NikoB on Today at 09:22:44Again complete nonsense, because they do not have a keyboard and screen like laptops, and the body is much smaller in volume and therefore the cooling system is even noisier than that of laptops. And this is not an autonomous, self-sufficient laptop with batteries for at least 2-3 hours.
Well, I do know of people who go this route, either they have portable screens/keyboards because they use their miniPC in a portable way only a very small amount of times that doesn't justify having a laptop, or people that have a screen and/or keyboard at their usual destinations. It's not the most common use-cases, but they exist.
As for cooling systems... I guess that you live in the 90s or something. There are plenty of miniPC with great cooling solutions. Great current example, the HX99G. It has large fans, so they don't sound squeal when on high demanding situations. You are just misinformed, that's all.

Quote from: NikoB on Today at 09:22:44Therefore, miniPC is the most idiotic solution from the PC camp.
You keep insulting people's choices for some reason, is it because you want people to internet-fight you or something?
In my case I'm going to buy a miniPC because 99% of the time my laptop is plugged into the TV. I'll keep my (old) laptop for those rare occasions I do use it as a laptop, and I'll just go ahead and buy myself a fairly decent miniPC (Atomman G7 Pt) that will have desktop performance, can run silently when used as HTPC, and is small enough to fit behind my TV. I don't see how that is an idiotic solution, but... you do you!

Quote from: NikoB on Today at 09:22:44I have never stated this. But modern battery technology (despite 100500 promises over 20 years from upstart startups) is still bad and cannot keep modern laptops running at 80-100W for at least 12 hours with a minimum of 3000 cycles before capacity drops by 25%. For this you need a capacity of at least 1200 Wh, i.e. 10-15 times higher than current batteries. But if they don't allow planes with 100Wh+ batteries, how will they allow them into airplanes with 1000Wh+? This is the second problem. And it expires due to the explosiveness and enormous energy released by such a container (this is already close to the level of energy released by a hand grenade during an explosion). Batteries for 1200-1500 Wh should be absolutely safe in everyday life. There are simply no such technologies on the planet.
What are you talking about... granades...? Are you OK? It's about very efficient processors coupled with very efficient OS and fairly large batteries, not about having 80-100W laptops running on shoe-box-sized batteries.
As a separate note, personally I cannot wait for Sodium based solid-state electrolyte batteries to be a thing, but we are still a bunch of years away (hopefully sooner, but not soon enough).

Quote from: NikoB on Today at 09:22:44Therefore, any laptop (especially modern monsters due to the deliberate cheating started by Intel/Nvidia with consumption, because technical processes do not give the necessary increase when moving to the next generation of ASML scanners and performance per 1W in the form of a graph becomes an increasingly flat curve, and not as before - an exponential growth curve) works normally only from the power supply, but it is in this mode that modern models with moronic USB-C power supply cannot be safely used on beds and sofas reclining, resting for right-handed people. because their feet are right on the left, where the moronic manufacturers install USB-C power ports, instead of placing them symmetrically on the left and right or in the back, or supplementing them with a reliable angled round plug, as has always been the case before.

The younger generation of designers in development departments are clearly idiots who have no qualifications in laptop ergonomics. I would fire them all for such decisions.
You seem very angry. Hope you are OK.
News / Re: Lenovo ThinkPad T14s Gen 6...
Last post by PPIT - Today at 13:21:00
The Ctrl Fn positions are good for me. If they moved the trackpad buttons down so it would become a touchpad with buttons and display would be 4K Mat IPS or OLED and different display mount. This would be the greatest laptop ever.

2. Full size arrows [DONE]
3. Touchpad with dedicated buttons [:-(]
4. 4K Mat IPS or OLED [:-(]
5. Yoga style hinges [:-(]
6. Numpad version [?]
News / Nanofiber generates electricit...
Last post by Redaktion - Today at 13:17:02
Also a renewable energy source: the fibers used generate enough electricity from the temperature difference between the inside and outside of the jacket to charge a smartphone or smartwatch. Still theory, but the fiber already works.
News / Nanofaser erzeugt Strom mit Kö...
Last post by Redaktion - Today at 13:09:23
Auch eine erneuerbare Energiequelle: Aus dem Temperaturunterschied zwischen der Innen- und Außenseite der Jacke erzeugen die verwendeten Fasern genug Strom, um Smartphone oder Smartwatch zu laden. Noch Theorie, aber die Faser funktioniert schon.
News / D11: Dieser Mini-PC bringt ein...
Last post by Redaktion - Today at 13:01:07
Der D11 ist ein neuer und kompakter PC mit einer starken APU von AMD. Dabei kann das Modell auch eine externe Grafikkarte schnell anbinden, womit sich das System auch für Videospiele gut eignen dürfte. Angeboten wird der Mini-PC in verschiedenen Versionen.
News / Panasonic Lumix issues apology...
Last post by Redaktion - Today at 12:54:56
Eagle-eyed viewers have found that several photos used by Lumix Japan on the Lumix S9's product page in fact taken with Nikon and Canon cameras or are stock photos. In response to outrage over what is seen as misleading marketing, the company has issued a formal apology, although many have questioned its sincerity and tone.