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News / Re: Tesla-Shuttle ins Brandenb...
Last post by Käsefabrik - Today at 11:10:45
hallo sebayngsbums.

du bist hier leider völlig falsch mit deinem content.

es gibt keinen grund, dass du dieses protal für mobile computing hier versuchst kaputt zu machen mit deinem nonsens content.
News / Fossibot F1200: Neue Powerstat...
Last post by Redaktion - Today at 11:00:39
Die Fossibot F1200 ist eine neue Powerstation mit einer recht hohen Kapazität, die zu einem günstigen Preis auch elektrische Verbraucher mit einem erhöhten Leistungsbedarf angemessen versorgen können soll.
Miscellaneous / Re: Can we stop pretending tha...
Last post by Drefsab - Today at 10:48:43
Wow talk about missing the whole point. No one was claiming that Arc was the best out there. Arc really is for early adopters still, but that misses the critical factor. Arc is important as it adds another player in the GPU market where nvidia is king and amd is playing catch up.

Just look at how each arc driver release brings major performance improvements, add that to the hardware improvements in battlemage and celestial in a few short hardware generations we should have a good option for the wider market. First gen hardware was never going to go toe to toe with nvidia etc.

I honestly expect come Druid you will see a truly viable option for how public and hopefully at reasonable prices. Show me another company trying to take on nvidia and amd with any measure of success?
Testberichte / Re: Test Apple iPad Pro 11 202...
Last post by Fölix - Today at 10:33:04
Konnte das iPad Pro 2024 mit dem iPad Pro 2021 vergleichen. In der Wohnung mit gemäßigten Lichtbedingung erreicht das neue iPad ebenfalls ca. 600 nits. Erst mit starken Licheinfall boostet der OLED Screnn auf 1000 Nits bei SDR! Ist also ähnlich wie bei aktuellen Smartphones. Wenn man Autohelligkeit in den Einstellungen deaktiviert kann man auch nur 600 Nits manuell einstellen. Die 1000 Nits SDR Helligkeit sind also dynamisch. Schön das dass von Apple und den ganzen Reviewern klar gestellt wird!
News / Vier neue E-Scooter mit bis zu...
Last post by Redaktion - Today at 10:22:55
Der Hamburger E-Scooter-Hersteller Egret hat mit der Ey!-Serie vier neue E-Scooter vorgestellt, die mit bis zu 1.512 W Motorspitzenleistung, 65 km Reichweite und selbstreparierenden Luftreifen vorfahren und allesamt gemeinsam mit Yadea entwickelt wurden.
Miscellaneous / Re: Hate the Panasonic Lumix S...
Last post by Nikthegeek - Today at 10:14:14
Someone didn't get invited to Japan:)
News / Bigme Hibreak: Innovatives Sma...
Last post by Redaktion - Today at 10:01:15
Das Bigme Hibreak ist ab sofort bestellbar. Es handelt sich um ein Smartphone mit einem Bildschirm auf Basis der E-Ink-Qualität, wobei sich der interne Speicher des Mobiltelefons erweitern lässt. Android kommt als Betriebssystem zum Einsatz.
News / Re: Solid-state battery retain...
Last post by NikoB - Today at 09:26:09
Quote from: LithiumUnited on Today at 09:05:56Maybe I can finally ditch my old gas guzzler without worrying about a dead battery in a few years.
After a nuclear war, you won't care if there's a gas station nearby...
Miscellaneous / Re: Is the MacBook still worth...
Last post by NikoB - Today at 09:22:44
Quote from: heffeque on Yesterday at 12:04:08You totally ignored the "mini" in "miniPC", which use laptop HW, so they use very little power.
Again complete nonsense, because they do not have a keyboard and screen like laptops, and the body is much smaller in volume and therefore the cooling system is even noisier than that of laptops. And this is not an autonomous, self-sufficient laptop with batteries for at least 2-3 hours. Therefore, miniPC is the most idiotic solution from the PC camp.

Quote from: heffeque on Yesterday at 12:04:08Again... why are some people against other people wanting ultra-long lasting batteries?
I have never stated this. But modern battery technology (despite 100500 promises over 20 years from upstart startups) is still bad and cannot keep modern laptops running at 80-100W for at least 12 hours with a minimum of 3000 cycles before capacity drops by 25%. For this you need a capacity of at least 1200 Wh, i.e. 10-15 times higher than current batteries. But if they don't allow planes with 100Wh+ batteries, how will they allow them into airplanes with 1000Wh+? This is the second problem. And it expires due to the explosiveness and enormous energy released by such a container (this is already close to the level of energy released by a hand grenade during an explosion). Batteries for 1200-1500 Wh should be absolutely safe in everyday life. There are simply no such technologies on the planet.

Therefore, any laptop (especially modern monsters due to the deliberate cheating started by Intel/Nvidia with consumption, because technical processes do not give the necessary increase when moving to the next generation of ASML scanners and performance per 1W in the form of a graph becomes an increasingly flat curve, and not as before - an exponential growth curve) works normally only from the power supply, but it is in this mode that modern models with moronic USB-C power supply cannot be safely used on beds and sofas reclining, resting for right-handed people. because their feet are right on the left, where the moronic manufacturers install USB-C power ports, instead of placing them symmetrically on the left and right or in the back, or supplementing them with a reliable angled round plug, as has always been the case before.

The younger generation of designers in development departments are clearly idiots who have no qualifications in laptop ergonomics. I would fire them all for such decisions.
News / Re: Anker launches new KVM Swi...
Last post by Sebastiebo - Today at 09:13:37
Strange they came out with a usb hub still on 5gbit instead of 10gb 20gbit or 40 Gbit

5gbit is 15 years old, good luck running your 4k cam in conjunction with other devices. Especially since it will not have enough input power...

You are better off with their older usb hubs ...