Never cared about this game or franchise and as a PC gamer with a huge backlog, no game will ever make me buy a Sony console. I boycotted Sony and I will boycott any game developer with greed and toxic business practices.
Rockstar is one of them. I was interested in RDR2 but they delayed it for PC hoping customers will buy the console version first and then the PC. Unfortunately, many gamers did this which encourages the company to keep doing this BS again. And when it was released on PC it was a mess and took them time to get it to work. I bought the game when it became $18. I reject to pay more than $20 for an old game that was released more than a year ago.
As a huge fan of Final Fantasy, I did the same too. Boycotted the game (Both FFVII remake + FF XVI) and will not buy the PC version until it is on steep discount.
As for GTA, not a fan so even on a steep discount I'm not getting it and I urge all PC gamers to not fall into this trap and feed these toxic companies. Kill the exclusives. Don't give your money to Sony or Rockstar. The more you feed them the more toxic they will be for you.