It would be nice to see VRAM usage like this - - but many thanks for these results!
Sad to see the 780M is basically useless outside of 720p low, even 2x MSAA will destroy it altogether so that also has to be disabled 😔 1% low of 75 fps (60 + 25%) is the absolute rock bottom for CS2 and the 780M struggles with
102.4 at 1080p low (so 1% low is around 35-40, approximately).
Why no 1440p low benchmarks though? Realistically speaking no serious player cares about
Very High (the game also looks amazing at all low) although those numbers are informative and appreciated to get rough expectations to run on low. I hope to see CS2 now finally being included with upcoming reviews of new laptops 🙂
QuoteCS 2 is not extremely CPU-intensive even at the resolution of 2.560 x 1.440 and the Very High preset.
Well yes, the higher the resolution is that more your GPU works. Run it at 720p and you will see about twice higher CPU usage than at 1440p (with also about twice lower GPU usage). At 1440p and 2160p the game is GPU bound. Especially as the whole Source 2 engine is utilizing GPU properly so even a modern lower end midrange CPU with great GPU, where that CPU is going to be a bottleneck so something like Ryzen 5 3600 + 4090 (yes, it makes no sense to put that together, but talking for the sake of this example), will run the game
significantly better at 1440p than at 720 or 900p.