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English => News => Topic started by: Redaktion on August 26, 2023, 10:55:07

Title: If you're neurotic, forget about being a Martian colonist say scientists
Post by: Redaktion on August 26, 2023, 10:55:07
If you are thinking of becoming one of the first humans to colonize Mars, you might need to consider your personality type. Research examining the optimal personality types to be able to help a Mars colony become stable and sustainable found that those with neurotic personality traits are a risk to themselves and others.
Title: Re: If you're neurotic, forget about being a Martian colonist say scientists
Post by: WaitWhat on August 27, 2023, 15:04:08
Let's send Elon to Mars then 🚀 #MuskonMars
Title: Re: If you're neurotic, forget about being a Martian colonist say scientists
Post by: J A SALAIE on August 27, 2023, 17:25:25
To my opinion as I narrated in my SiFi Novel: Mules on Mars published June 2018, yes it would be possible for man to land on Mars but not the ordinary human. As named my Novel Mules on Mars, those go there must be prepared genetically to MarsĀ“s harsh climate, loneliness and sexually immune.
Title: Re: If you're neurotic, forget about being a Martian colonist say scientists
Post by: Steve Metzler on August 28, 2023, 01:57:10
I certainly hope NASA didn't spend too much taxpayer money on this study. I would have told them the same thing for free.
Title: Re: If you're neurotic, forget about being a Martian colonist say scientists
Post by: Phredye on August 28, 2023, 04:16:06
I wonder what the life expectancy is on a planet with very low gravity. How long could people possibly last?
Title: Re: If you're neurotic, forget about being a Martian colonist say scientists
Post by: Kaizo on August 28, 2023, 13:57:48
So then neurotic people are born from the non neurotic people that don't understand how the neurotic people function at all.  That will be great for the coming generations, unless they're figuring out peoples entire personalities in fetuses before emotional bonds are formed.
Title: Re: If you're neurotic, forget about being a Martian colonist say scientists
Post by: pubert on August 28, 2023, 14:48:00
Kanye need not apply.
Title: Re: If you're neurotic, forget about being a Martian colonist say scientists
Post by: Big Bubba on August 28, 2023, 17:32:52
So no women???
Title: Re: If you're neurotic, forget about being a Martian colonist say scientists
Post by: knc2023 on August 29, 2023, 01:19:46
They had to do a study for this? How much tax money at a public university was wasted on something so obvious.
Title: Re: If you're neurotic, forget about being a Martian colonist say scientists
Post by: Kertch on August 29, 2023, 18:27:06
This is the result of a computer simulation. I would require some real-world testing before I bet the future on it.