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English => News => Topic started by: Redaktion on August 01, 2023, 19:06:55

Title: Firefox 116 drops Windows 7 and 8, as well as macOS 10.1
Post by: Redaktion on August 01, 2023, 19:06:55
In addition to improved upload performance, multiple security fixes, and a volume slider in Picture-in-Picture mode, Firefox 116 drops support for Windows 7, 8, and 8.1, as well as macOS 10.12, 10.13, and 10.14. The users of these operating systems will get support until September 2024 for Firefox ESR (version 115.1 also arrived today).
Title: Re: Firefox 116 drops Windows 7 and 8, as well as macOS 10.1
Post by: kek on August 01, 2023, 23:07:18
I'm pretty sure the main reason was that stupid volume slider 🙄
Title: Re: Firefox 116 drops Windows 7 and 8, as well as macOS 10.1
Post by: Hunter2020 on August 02, 2023, 01:21:06
RIP FireFox.  I only have one Win11 system (laptop) and ten Win7 systems.  Win10 and above I never allow internet connection.  It's the only way I can kill the spying feature of Win10/11, not allowing it internet access.  For online, I have Deepin Linux with its much nicer Deepin Browser (based on open source Chromium project).  Who needs FireFox if they gonna be cocky and NOT work on Win7/8 (the only MS systems I approve for online connectivity)!
Title: Re: Firefox 116 drops Windows 7 and 8, as well as macOS 10.1
Post by: Mr Majestyk on August 02, 2023, 03:05:51
Good to see the conspiracy nutters out today on day release.
Title: Re: Firefox 116 drops Windows 7 and 8, as well as macOS 10.1
Post by: NikoB on August 02, 2023, 13:13:51
This is very sad, because. W7, unlike XP, has basic x64 capabilities, native support for GPT disks (in XP, even with SP3, there was no such driver due to the bastards from M $, although it was in Windows Server 2003) and a fast gigabit Ethernet stack (which could also be easily added to XP, but was not intentional). Also in W7 HDD/SSD gave out full speed, unlike XP, where there were some intentional restrictions in drivers for IDE/AHCI modes - read/write speed was up to 50-60% worse in 99% of cases, as with Ethernet at 1Gbps.

W7-W8.1 on old hardware is much faster than W10, not to mention the filthy W11. And there is a lot of hardware, where the RAM is more than 16GB or 8GB cannot be expanded.
And some people still have laptops and PCs that can be used as spare devices, where the memory is more than 4GB can not be expanded. And W7 with SSD and 4GB swap is great and fast on them. The W7 kernel occupies only 600 MB in RAM, in contrast to 1.5 GB for W10 and even more so for W11. That provides even on systems with 4GB free 3.4GB.

Unfortunately - buggy and heavy in settings even for professionals, Linux is not an alternative (that's why after 25 years it still occupies 1-2% of the real desktop OS market, despite being formally free), because all the latest builds (which can work with current versions of browsers) are also fat and require at least 8GB of RAM and are also extremely buggy, slow on old hardware and there is no desire to poke around in their buggy settings.

W7 was a great OS for old hardware, although of course with a lot of flaws (for example, VSync did not work on YouTube and in general in Internet browsers and this does not depend on the video adapter and its drivers), but hardware and software manufacturers buried it too early ...


Now there are only two OS left for the population - two Trojans and an M$ bot-net client for collecting and selling customer data to third parties - W10/W11 and no sane alternative.
Title: Re: Firefox 116 drops Windows 7 and 8, as well as macOS 10.1
Post by: indy on August 03, 2023, 06:12:56
I fully support Firefox dropping support for old operating systems that are no longer supported.  They only have so many resources and I'd rather have them focused on browser security and bugfixes.  10 years is more than enough for any OS to be supported.  I also support Microsoft fully supporting their consumer/business-level OS's for at LEAST 10 years, something pretty much unheard of on the level and scope of all the devices Windows supports. Yes, Linux supports that long, but it varies by distribution and you have no "guarantees" like you do with MS.

I used to be an IT admin.  Used Linux, Windows, Android, IOS. Had to. I loved Linux when it worked on supported hardware/configurations.  But, now, as just a regular Joe, I just want my OS to stay supportive of my environment.  I don't want to troubleshoot any more than I need to.  That's why I'm no longer an Admin. ;)

I agree Windows 11 is atrocious on how much it both invades your privacy by default, but also through updates has features that nobody asked for nor nobody wants turned on by default.  It's really gotten bad.  I'm not pleased with my options in IT in the past 5 years.  It's gone in a very weird direction. It seems customer-unfriendly.

I'm typing this on a Windows 11 machine because I attempted to install Linux on it and just got a black screen first, second and third attempts, trying various troubleshooting options to no avail.  I'm not especially fond of Windows anymore, but it is working and is a risk I'll take versus Linux.  I will definitely give Linux another shot next upgrade.

As for OSX, wow.  I bought an expensive Macbook a few years back (M1?) and it was very fast.  But it, too bugged me to no end to register my name/e-mail and the design of the OS was even less intuitive than every Linux I have used.  It also crashed several times running its own apps.  It had WiFi issues on my networks. (I imagine they figured those out over time, however, I returned it before my return window was up.)  I did love the battery life.  I did love that Firefox on it was nice.  But it reminded me of nagware. Apple has an arrogance I just find truly distasteful. I don't care how beautiful your devices are.  If you are arrogant, I will pass (Looking at you, too, Tesla.)

I choose my OS's (Android, too) based on Firefox.  It's why I won't use an iPhone, which has a bastardized webkit Firefox.  It's the only browser I trust.  It's my most important piece of software, without a doubt.  With the proper add-ons, and some security know-how, it's nearly impenetrable and so much more efficient than any other browser in displaying sites exactly as I want/need them to be displayed.
Title: Re: Firefox 116 drops Windows 7 and 8, as well as macOS 10.1
Post by: A on August 03, 2023, 06:32:50
Quote from: Hunter2020 on August 02, 2023, 01:21:06RIP FireFox.  I only have one Win11 system (laptop) and ten Win7 systems.  Win10 and above I never allow internet connection.  It's the only way I can kill the spying feature of Win10/11, not allowing it internet access.  For online, I have Deepin Linux with its much nicer Deepin Browser (based on open source Chromium project).  Who needs FireFox if they gonna be cocky and NOT work on Win7/8 (the only MS systems I approve for online connectivity)!

Windows 7 isn't getting security updates anymore. It doesn't matter how secure your browser is if your operating system has known vulnerabilities. I liked windows 7 more than 8, 10 and 11. When MS dumped 7, I also went full linux. But even I realize its already too late for windows 7

Quote from: indy on August 03, 2023, 06:12:56I fully support Firefox dropping support for old operating systems that are no longer supported.  They only have so many resources and I'd rather have them focused on browser security and bugfixes.  10 years is more than enough for any OS to be supported.  I also support Microsoft fully supporting their consumer/business-level OS's for at LEAST 10 years, something pretty much unheard of on the level and scope of all the devices Windows supports. Yes, Linux supports that long, but it varies by distribution and you have no "guarantees" like you do with MS.

I used to be an IT admin.  Used Linux, Windows, Android, IOS. Had to. I loved Linux when it worked on supported hardware/configurations.  But, now, as just a regular Joe, I just want my OS to stay supportive of my environment.  I don't want to troubleshoot any more than I need to.  That's why I'm no longer an Admin. ;)

I agree Windows 11 is atrocious on how much it both invades your privacy by default, but also through updates has features that nobody asked for nor nobody wants turned on by default.  It's really gotten bad.  I'm not pleased with my options in IT in the past 5 years.  It's gone in a very weird direction. It seems customer-unfriendly.

I'm typing this on a Windows 11 machine because I attempted to install Linux on it and just got a black screen first, second and third attempts, trying various troubleshooting options to no avail.  I'm not especially fond of Windows anymore, but it is working and is a risk I'll take versus Linux.  I will definitely give Linux another shot next upgrade.

As for OSX, wow.  I bought an expensive Macbook a few years back (M1?) and it was very fast.  But it, too bugged me to no end to register my name/e-mail and the design of the OS was even less intuitive than every Linux I have used.  It also crashed several times running its own apps.  It had WiFi issues on my networks. (I imagine they figured those out over time, however, I returned it before my return window was up.)  I did love the battery life.  I did love that Firefox on it was nice.  But it reminded me of nagware. Apple has an arrogance I just find truly distasteful. I don't care how beautiful your devices are.  If you are arrogant, I will pass (Looking at you, too, Tesla.)

I choose my OS's (Android, too) based on Firefox.  It's why I won't use an iPhone, which has a bastardized webkit Firefox.  It's the only browser I trust.  It's my most important piece of software, without a doubt.  With the proper add-ons, and some security know-how, it's nearly impenetrable and so much more efficient than any other browser in displaying sites exactly as I want/need them to be displayed.

You can get guarantees with Linux if you opt for corporate distros like RedHat Enterprise.

Which Linux did you try to install? Generally you would know if it works properly or not by running it in live usb first which you should always do before installing.
Title: Re: Firefox 116 drops Windows 7 and 8, as well as macOS 10.1
Post by: NikoB on August 03, 2023, 13:28:08
Quote from: A on August 03, 2023, 06:32:50You can get guarantees with Linux if you opt for corporate distros like RedHat Enterprise.

Again you with your boring demagoguery. RedHat paid support. There is no point in Linux if it is paid.

By the way, Windows 10/11 is actually free for home use (any version from Home to LTSC, by the way, there is still no W11 LTSC, which once again proves that this is not an OS, but an alpha version that is cynically tested on fools who also have been paying M$))) since 2015. And everyone knows this, except for complete idiots. =) And support is provided by a 50 times larger user community than the rest of the miserable versions of Linux. The only one who has benefited from messing around with Linux is Torvalds. He became a billionaire. =)
Moreover, some of the young developers who increase the value of the resume, including work with Linux, which they really do not care about at all and at home they still use Windows.

The "security" of the new versions of Windows causes only Homeric laughter among professionals (as well as the cries of red-eyed idiots about Linux).

Mozilla's big foolishness is that they rejected W7-W8.1 given FF's declining browser market share.

By the way, are ordinary idiots aware that the US government (and other countries) is still paying bastards from M$ for security patches and code fixes in W7-W8.1? And the governments pay from taxpayers' money, i.e. all citizens of these countries have every legal right to require M$ to provide them with these security patches and fixes.

Most people are idiots. And this is a global problem...
Title: Re: Firefox 116 drops Windows 7 and 8, as well as macOS 10.1
Post by: Hunter2020 on August 03, 2023, 13:46:23
Know it all ignoramuses!  Can anyone name a virus or trojan that still works in Windows XP?  That system is probably the SAFEST MS system you can use to go online because nothing harmful is capable of running on it anymore.  Give it a few more years Windows 7 will be just the same, the virus/trojan dependencies from Win10/11 not available/not found in Win7!
Title: Re: Firefox 116 drops Windows 7 and 8, as well as macOS 10.1
Post by: Glegster on August 03, 2023, 17:01:54
All them crying older os's don't get anymore updates... the esr takes longer; just wait. They never said anything about not providing anymore esr
Title: Re: Firefox 116 drops Windows 7 and 8, as well as macOS 10.1
Post by: NikoB on August 03, 2023, 21:37:30
Quote from: Hunter2020 on August 03, 2023, 13:46:23at system is probably the SAFEST MS system you can use to go online
This is actually not the case, but in any case - it has not been possible to go online with XP for a long time. There simply are no known and more or less safe versions of browsers. There is simply nothing to go online with.

By the way, all major mail service providers have also blocked mail at the level of encrypted versions of pop3/smtp/imap, if you do not provide them with your phone number. In fact, the Internet is deanonymized and it's just a farce already.

Gradually, the Internet will be stratified into anonymous and non-
Title: Re: Firefox 116 drops Windows 7 and 8, as well as macOS 10.1
Post by: A on August 05, 2023, 02:44:26
Quote from: NikoB on August 03, 2023, 13:28:08Again you with your boring demagoguery. RedHat paid support. There is no point in Linux if it is paid.
What kind of nonsense are you talking about? Linux gives you far better security and open source means you can make changes to the code to meet your needs. You can also get it at a much lower price too.

QuoteBy the way, Windows 10/11 is actually free for home use (any version from Home to LTSC, by the way, there is still no W11 LTSC, which once again proves that this is not an OS, but an alpha version that is cynically tested on fools who also have been paying M$))) since 2015. And everyone knows this, except for complete idiots. =) And support is provided by a 50 times larger user community than the rest of the miserable versions of Linux. The only one who has benefited from messing around with Linux is Torvalds. He became a billionaire. =)
Moreover, some of the young developers who increase the value of the resume, including work with Linux, which they really do not care about at all and at home they still use Windows.
I am well aware that windows 10+ has been free, even windows 8 was free as long as you are fine with the watermark and no gui access to customization (you could still edit it via cmd/powershell)

That said, you are talking nonsense when talking about community size. Again, I will remind you that Windows only dominates on the desktop, most servers run linux, routers run *nix, phones run *nix, even in car infotainment systems are now mostly moved to *nix. Most smart tvs are also running *nix.

QuoteThe "security" of the new versions of Windows causes only Homeric laughter among professionals (as well as the cries of red-eyed idiots about Linux).

Mozilla's big foolishness is that they rejected W7-W8.1 given FF's declining browser market share.
Windows 7 makes up 3.69% of marketshare, 8 is 0.35% and 8.1 is 0.7%. So less than 5% of windows marketshare

Support will end for ESR version in sept 2024, for reference a year ago windows 7 was 11.96%, 8 was 0.35% and 8.1 was 0.7%. So it went from over 13% in 1 year to under 5%. All 3 by then would probably be below 2.5% of windows marketshare

And do note that hit is bigger than it sounds because last year, windows owned 75.21% marketshare, a year later it is down to 69.52%

QuoteBy the way, are ordinary idiots aware that the US government (and other countries) is still paying bastards from M$ for security patches and code fixes in W7-W8.1? And the governments pay from taxpayers' money, i.e. all citizens of these countries have every legal right to require M$ to provide them with these security patches and fixes.
That isn't how software licensing works... its like demanding you get to watch a movie for free in the theater cause you paid for someone else's ticket

Quote from: Hunter2020 on August 03, 2023, 13:46:23Know it all ignoramuses!  Can anyone name a virus or trojan that still works in Windows XP?  That system is probably the SAFEST MS system you can use to go online because nothing harmful is capable of running on it anymore.  Give it a few more years Windows 7 will be just the same, the virus/trojan dependencies from Win10/11 not available/not found in Win7!

You do realize the viruses and trojans can acquired even on old systems right? While AVs generally do include general protection, but some get rid of old definitions for long patched issues. Which means the virus could still be out there and you would just get it. There are also sites that continue to be infected and no one bothered fixing them.

Not to mention, hackers intentionally target old devices because they are easy bait. They take over your pc, use it as a zombie to do ddos attacks, encrypt your pc and hold it hostage for crypto or simply use it to mine crypto or all of the above
Title: Re: Firefox 116 drops Windows 7 and 8, as well as macOS 10.1
Post by: NikoB on August 05, 2023, 22:33:33
Quote from: A on August 05, 2023, 02:44:26What kind of nonsense are you talking about? Linux gives you far better security and open source means you can make changes to the code to meet your needs. You can also get it at a much lower price too
I've been bored of arguing with you for a long time now. you are inadequate. And again they took up the old, although I have already proved that your arguments are meaningless.

Linux is much more dangerous for the average user than Windows. That is why the M$ market share on desktops is overwhelming, while Linux has had 1-2% for 25 years and still has. There are no fools to test "safe" code and audit millions of lines. No one is able to check the Linux code, including demagogue A.

Was not, but free right now and all 8 years since 2015. Only idiots pay for a botnet client and a trojan. Everyone else has been using W10 for free since 2015. So is W11.
Quote from: A on August 05, 2023, 02:44:26I am well aware that windows 10+ has been free
But 8-8.1 has never been free, again A is lying. They do not have methods for the simplest digital activation using a text .bat file. W7 also does not. There you can only activate through OEM keys and an activator, this is different.

Quote from: A on August 05, 2023, 02:44:26Windows 7 makes up 3.69% of marketshare, 8 is 0.35% and 8.1 is 0.7%. So less than 5% of windows marketshare
Our modest A, forgot to report FF's market share. =)

Quote from: A on August 05, 2023, 02:44:26That isn't how software licensing works... its like demanding you get to watch a movie for free in the theater cause you paid for someone else's ticket
You just don't tell me how the licensing legislation works, which in almost all countries contradicts the constitutions of countries.
Once again - if taxpayers paid through government agencies to work M$ on old OS updates - the state is obliged to publish all these patches for all citizens of the country.

Quote from: A on August 05, 2023, 02:44:26You do realize the viruses and trojans can acquired even on old systems right?
Over the past 15 years, I have never used fake antiviruses (which will never help you in reality), there has never even been a hint of viruses in my systems.

But while there were antiviruses - they suddenly constantly appeared. Apparently, companies producing antiviruses must constantly prove to customers by criminal methods that their meaningless programs cost money. )) Fuckers (and such 99%) are led to this. But all IT specialists have known for a long time that antiviruses are a waste of money and computer resources.
Title: Re: Firefox 116 drops Windows 7 and 8, as well as macOS 10.1
Post by: A on August 06, 2023, 02:04:25
Quote from: NikoB on August 05, 2023, 22:33:33I've been bored of arguing with you for a long time now. you are inadequate. And again they took up the old, although I have already proved that your arguments are meaningless.
Because I always prove you wrong, and you don't like when people point out your wrong

QuoteLinux is much more dangerous for the average user than Windows. That is why the M$ market share on desktops is overwhelming, while Linux has had 1-2% for 25 years and still has. There are no fools to test "safe" code and audit millions of lines. No one is able to check the Linux code, including demagogue A.
It isn't, only reason MS has higher marketshare is for decades MS bribed OEMs to only include windows on the desktop. Even today, most OEMs that have started offering linux do so in hidden pages.

Mobile is a better example of how a real market would be if there was competition, Windows is non existant there.

Also, for desktop, linux is 3%, chromeos which is also linux is 3% so total desktop linux is 6%. Then there is OSX which is *nix based at 20%. Lastly, I will point out many linux systems use windows user agents for privacy reasons, so its possible the linux share is even larger

And again, you don't need to check every line of code. You simply don't understand how open source works at all. Every patch is reviewed by multiple people and 3rd party security audit companies.

QuoteWas not, but free right now and all 8 years since 2015. Only idiots pay for a botnet client and a trojan. Everyone else has been using W10 for free since 2015. So is W11.
Unfortunately, most people buy their computers from OEMS. And none offer no-os option unless you opt for the much more expensive business laptops. Aka, most people buy windows, even if it is against their will.

Quote from: A on August 05, 2023, 02:44:26I am well aware that windows 10+ has been free
But 8-8.1 has never been free, again A is lying. They do not have methods for the simplest digital activation using a text .bat file. W7 also does not. There you can only activate through OEM keys and an activator, this is different.

QuoteOur modest A, forgot to report FF's market share. =)
You never asked. Around 6% for desktop. But again, there is no point of supporting operating systems that don't get security updates.

QuoteYou just don't tell me how the licensing legislation works, which in almost all countries contradicts the constitutions of countries.
Once again - if taxpayers paid through government agencies to work M$ on old OS updates - the state is obliged to publish all these patches for all citizens of the country.
Most constitutions predate software, so your statement is outright ridiculous.

Also, do understand when you pay for patches you per computer. In case of windows 7 it was $175-350 for 3 years per computer. So no, asking them to publish the patches is ridiculous. Windows isn't open source where under open source licenses, anyone who gets software has the right to redistribute it to others.

It's funny how you defend the closed source windows, then demand that it work like open source.

QuoteOver the past 15 years, I have never used fake antiviruses (which will never help you in reality), there has never even been a hint of viruses in my systems.

But while there were antiviruses - they suddenly constantly appeared. Apparently, companies producing antiviruses must constantly prove to customers by criminal methods that their meaningless programs cost money. )) Fuckers (and such 99%) are led to this. But all IT specialists have known for a long time that antiviruses are a waste of money and computer resources.

The use of antiviruses depends on what you do on your computer, if you just go to youtube all day, your chance of getting a virus is slim to none. Your chance increases more as you go outside into websites general (especially if you don't use an adblocker), open up attachments or download software from the web from unknown sources (more so if its illegal software).

Overall though, note that your pc could be infected without you knowing. As these days many pcs are simply used as zombies for attacking other computers.

That said, these days Windows Defender is secure enough for 99% of the population. Back in the day it wasn't so good, but now it gets scores of 99.8% or so compared to the best antivirus giving you 99.9%.
Title: Re: Firefox 116 drops Windows 7 and 8, as well as macOS 10.1
Post by: Neenyah on August 06, 2023, 11:43:06
Quote from: A on August 06, 2023, 02:04:25Even today, most OEMs that have started offering linux do so in hidden pages.
This is illegal to do here in the EU, to make it more difficult to find, so I went to check the NA for Lenovo, Dell, HP, Acer and Asus, desktop PCs-only, not workstations or anything similar but regular PCs for average Joes without any experience or knowledge in building their own. US and CA pages of course.

Out of all those mentioned only Dell really sucks there because it's difficult to find anything really even which version of Windows is installed there, but everyone else has perfectly clearly visible and working filters where you can select any OS in their offer with the exact number of available pre-builts with that OS, like here with Lenovo US on the main page for desktops:
Nothing is hidden on the whole/unfiltered list too, it's just random sorting (probably latest being on top, I was too lazy to check that one) where a Linux desktop is sometimes at the top, sometimes in the middle, sometimes at the bottom... But it's not hidden.
Title: Re: Firefox 116 drops Windows 7 and 8, as well as macOS 10.1
Post by: NikoB on August 06, 2023, 12:17:26
Quote from: A on August 06, 2023, 02:04:25Because I always prove you wrong, and you don't like when people point out your wrong
It's funny, because it was you who left the discussions that had begun, realizing that you had lost to me outright. Readers know who really won and it's definitely not you. =)

Quote from: A on August 06, 2023, 02:04:25And again, you don't need to check every line of code. You simply don't understand how open source works at all. Every patch is reviewed by multiple people and 3rd party security audit companies.
Of course, how can I, an IT professional with a specialized system education, who has written at least hundreds of thousands of lines of code, understand how open source works. Bot, you are funny.

Quote from: A on August 06, 2023, 02:04:25Unfortunately, most people buy their computers from OEMS. And none offer no-os option unless you opt for the much more expensive business laptops. Aka, most people buy windows, even if it is against their will.
You can not impose anything on the consumer against their will. After all, the US is a free country, isn't it? And the OS is easily separated from the hardware, including the price, right? This means that anyone can force to sell a product without unnecessary services imposed on it in the form of unnecessary software. Is not it? Or in the US, idiotic laws and idiotic people who in reality do not solve anything?

Why does it happen that you are forced to use the bundled software, although it is clearly separated from the hardware? So your "civil" society, in a particular country, is infinitely stupid and unable to correct the situation legislatively at the level of consumer laws.

I personally easily returned money for Windows in my country, which they tried to impose on me as part of laptops.

Quote from: A on August 06, 2023, 02:04:25
QuoteI am well aware that windows 10+ has been free
But 8-8.1 has never been free, again A is lying
Quote from: A on August 05, 2023, 02:44:26even windows 8 was free

Quote from: A on August 06, 2023, 02:04:25ou never asked. Around 6% for desktop.
Q.E.D. Girlish memory in A...

Quote from: A on August 06, 2023, 02:04:25Most constitutions predate software, so your statement is outright ridiculous.

Also, do understand when you pay for patches you per computer. In case of windows 7 it was $175-350 for 3 years per computer. So no, asking them to publish the patches is ridiculous. Windows isn't open source where under open source licenses, anyone who gets software has the right to redistribute it to others.

It's funny how you defend the closed source windows, then demand that it work like open source.
It's funny that you simultaneously understand that the Constitution is older and a priori stronger than any small-town law, if it contradicts it, and at the same time you assert the opposite. The funny thing is that a significant part of the judiciary and lawyers behave in the same schizophrenic way, directly violating the Constitution of all countries.

Any provisions of the license agreement that contradict (hierarchically) consumer legislation, civil, criminal codes and, as a result, the Constitution are automatically void.

Quote from: A on August 06, 2023, 02:04:25The use of antiviruses depends on what you do on your computer, if you just go to youtube all day, your chance of getting a virus is slim to none. Your chance increases more as you go outside into websites general (especially if you don't use an adblocker), open up attachments or download software from the web from unknown sources (more so if its illegal software).

Overall though, note that your pc could be infected without you knowing. As these days many pcs are simply used as zombies for attacking other computers.

That said, these days Windows Defender is secure enough for 99% of the population. Back in the day it wasn't so good, but now it gets scores of 99.8% or so compared to the best antivirus giving you 99.9%.
Again, demagogic verbiage from A and not a cent of useful information. ))

Title: Re: Firefox 116 drops Windows 7 and 8, as well as macOS 10.1
Post by: A on August 07, 2023, 03:23:30
Quote from: NikoB on August 06, 2023, 12:17:26It's funny, because it was you who left the discussions that had begun, realizing that you had lost to me outright. Readers know who really won and it's definitely not you. =)
I am not sure what you mean by "left the discussions", now there may have been some discussions that I have not responded simply because I didn't notice it slip off the front of the forum page. But same applies to you, plenty of discussions you have stopped responding.

QuoteOf course, how can I, an IT professional with a specialized system education, who has written at least hundreds of thousands of lines of code, understand how open source works. Bot, you are funny.
Hundreds of thousands of lines of html? markup or matlab? You clearly don't understand how open source works

QuoteYou can not impose anything on the consumer against their will. After all, the US is a free country, isn't it? And the OS is easily separated from the hardware, including the price, right? This means that anyone can force to sell a product without unnecessary services imposed on it in the form of unnecessary software. Is not it? Or in the US, idiotic laws and idiotic people who in reality do not solve anything?

Why does it happen that you are forced to use the bundled software, although it is clearly separated from the hardware? So your "civil" society, in a particular country, is infinitely stupid and unable to correct the situation legislatively at the level of consumer laws.

I personally easily returned money for Windows in my country, which they tried to impose on me as part of laptops.
A lot of people are confused with the term US has of a "free country", that freedom goes both ways. What that means is that while you may have the freedom to buy anything you want (that isn't illegal), the seller also has the right to sell you anything they want (as long as it isn't illegal). Aka, don't want your laptop with windows preinstalled? Don't buy it.

That said, being able to call up the manufacturer and get a refund for windows isn't much cause less than 1% will actually do that. They just use whatever the computer comes with.

PS Our supreme court has ruled that money = freedom of speech, so that should tell you where we stand on consumer protection

QuoteQ.E.D. Girlish memory in A...
What does windows 8 being free or not have to do with firefox marketshare? And I know windows 8 was free because I installed it on a test computer to do testing of software, and it worked for years up until I upgraded it to 10.

QuoteIt's funny that you simultaneously understand that the Constitution is older and a priori stronger than any small-town law, if it contradicts it, and at the same time you assert the opposite. The funny thing is that a significant part of the judiciary and lawyers behave in the same schizophrenic way, directly violating the Constitution of all countries.

Any provisions of the license agreement that contradict (hierarchically) consumer legislation, civil, criminal codes and, as a result, the Constitution are automatically void.
You are joking right? The point here isn't that the constitution is above agreements and laws. The point here is there is nothing in the constitutions about software. Please point me to any line in a constitution that makes software licensing illegal.

QuoteAgain, demagogic verbiage from A and not a cent of useful information. ))
Again, personal attacks with not a cent of contradicting any of my statements
Title: Re: Firefox 116 drops Windows 7 and 8, as well as macOS 10.1
Post by: NikoB on August 07, 2023, 12:46:30
Quote from: A on August 07, 2023, 03:23:30am not sure what you mean by "left the discussions", now there may have been some discussions that I have not responded simply because I didn't notice it slip off the front of the forum page. But same applies to you, plenty of discussions you have stopped responding.
You have escaped from all key discussions. I never. These are facts.

Quote from: A on August 07, 2023, 03:23:30Hundreds of thousands of lines of html? markup or matlab? You clearly don't understand how open source works
No dude. Unimaginably complex code that 1-2% of all developers on the planet are capable of.

Quote from: A on August 07, 2023, 03:23:30A lot of people are confused with the term US has of a "free country", that freedom goes both ways. What that means is that while you may have the freedom to buy anything you want (that isn't illegal), the seller also has the right to sell you anything they want (as long as it isn't illegal). Aka, don't want your laptop with windows preinstalled? Don't buy it.

That said, being able to call up the manufacturer and get a refund for windows isn't much cause less than 1% will actually do that. They just use whatever the computer comes with.

PS Our supreme court has ruled that money = freedom of speech, so that should tell you where we stand on consumer protection
Again empty demagoguery. Why should a consumer in the US refuse to buy a laptop if they are being deliberately forced into a bundled Windows? So can a consumer in the US refund its value and refuse to ship it after purchasing a laptop?

And why in your "free" and allegedly "civilian" society, Windows is deliberately included in the total price of a laptop, and does not go as a separate column on the sales receipt?

This is the imposition on the consumer of a service that he would like to refuse. With the connivance of corrupt US antitrust authorities. After all, the share of M$ in the desktop OS market significantly exceeds 50%, which means they have no right to dictate their terms to the market, it is up to the authorities how and what should be sold. And the authorities are representatives of the people, right? ;)

Quote from: A on August 07, 2023, 03:23:30What does windows 8 being free or not have to do with firefox marketshare?
It's funny how you make a fool out of yourself. You perfectly understand that with an insignificant share of FF in the browser market, the loss of 5-6% of users is a disaster for them. Or there is no Mozilla, there is a project that sponsors M$ and Google. ;)

Quote from: A on August 07, 2023, 03:23:30The point here is there is nothing in the constitutions about software.
This is not necessary, because the key principles remain unchanged, and licensing and copying directly violate the rights of citizens, and this is a fact.

Quote from: A on August 07, 2023, 03:23:30Again, personal attacks with not a cent of contradicting any of my statements
Your last paragraph sounded like an advertisement for antivirus companies. Nothing useful and only demagogy. Therefore, the value is zero, as I wrote on the merits of the issue.

And you have hellish porridge in your head. Unfortunately.
Title: Re: Firefox 116 drops Windows 7 and 8, as well as macOS 10.1
Post by: A on August 07, 2023, 22:09:43
Quote from: NikoB on August 07, 2023, 12:46:30You have escaped from all key discussions. I never. These are facts.
"key discussions" lol, so let me guess all the discussions you ran away from were not "key discussions"?

Also, I know english isn't your first language, so I suggest looking up the difference between "fact" and "opinion"

QuoteNo dude. Unimaginably complex code that 1-2% of all developers on the planet are capable of.
Aren't you full of yourself. Was it "hello world"?

QuoteAgain empty demagoguery. Why should a consumer in the US refuse to buy a laptop if they are being deliberately forced into a bundled Windows? So can a consumer in the US refund its value and refuse to ship it after purchasing a laptop?
Again, freedoms are given both ways. To both the consumer and the seller. So the seller has just as much right to sell things bundled as a consumer has to chose to buy or not buy something.

As for given a refund on the value of windows, probably not. It doesn't have a separate sku in their system and you contractually agreed to purchase it bundled. Though they may give you a discount at their own discretion as "good will", but you would keep the windows

QuoteAnd why in your "free" and allegedly "civilian" society, Windows is deliberately included in the total price of a laptop, and does not go as a separate column on the sales receipt?
Same reason why each transistor doesn't go on your sale receipt. They view the purchase as a whole.

QuoteThis is the imposition on the consumer of a service that he would like to refuse. With the connivance of corrupt US antitrust authorities. After all, the share of M$ in the desktop OS market significantly exceeds 50%, which means they have no right to dictate their terms to the market, it is up to the authorities how and what should be sold. And the authorities are representatives of the people, right? ;)
It is anti-trust, but do note in US, OS X has higher marketshare than rest of the world. Not that there isn't some corruption here. And generally it is the corporations that have the money to fight these battles. Like for example, only anti-trust that really happened was OEMs wanting to make any browser they chose the default, and that was cause Chrome was willing to pay them money to make it default. And MS was requiring that all windows have IE as default

QuoteIt's funny how you make a fool out of yourself. You perfectly understand that with an insignificant share of FF in the browser market, the loss of 5-6% of users is a disaster for them. Or there is no Mozilla, there is a project that sponsors M$ and Google. ;)
You are assuming those users all use FireFox, they do not. And FireFox's main goal has always been to have a better web, encouraging people to use EOL operating systems makes no sense.

QuoteThis is not necessary, because the key principles remain unchanged, and licensing and copying directly violate the rights of citizens, and this is a fact.
No it is not a fact, it is an opinion. And you still have not pointed to a single line of a constitution that has this right. So, not only is it an opinion, it is a poor opinion at the level  of wishful thinking. (And do note I wish it was the case myself, but I can tell the difference between wishful thinking and reality)

QuoteYour last paragraph sounded like an advertisement for antivirus companies. Nothing useful and only demagogy. Therefore, the value is zero, as I wrote on the merits of the issue.

And you have hellish porridge in your head. Unfortunately.
Me telling people that the default windows defender is good enough for most people is advertisement for antivirus companies?

Or is it the part where I point out "some", not all are 0.1% better?

PS So you know, here in the US you can get pretty much most antivirus programs for free, even the paid ones, many are free after rebate. But even that isn't worth the time for most people unless they do something that puts their security at risk like downloading illegal software. If its for simply testing, you are better off using a secure VM.
Title: Re: Firefox 116 drops Windows 7 and 8, as well as macOS 10.1
Post by: NikoB on August 08, 2023, 11:20:18
Quote from: A on August 07, 2023, 22:09:43"key discussions" lol, so let me guess all the discussions you ran away from were not "key discussions"?
Fortunately, all your remarks and shameful flight from key discussions remained on the forum. So you are a liar.

Quote from: A on August 07, 2023, 22:09:43Aren't you full of yourself. Was it "hello world"?
Start with yourself - you can't even write "Hello world" on your own. I have at least hundreds of thousands of lines of code in my luggage and not shitty html code, like today's "web designers".

Quote from: A on August 07, 2023, 22:09:43So the seller has just as much right to sell things bundled as a consumer has to chose to buy or not buy something.
No, it doesn't. According to our local consumer laws, he cannot impose additional services if they are not needed by the consumer. And OS is an additional service. That is why you can return money for OS.

Quote from: A on August 07, 2023, 22:09:43As for given a refund on the value of windows, probably not. It doesn't have a separate sku in their system and you contractually agreed to purchase it bundled.
This is an illegal action on the part of the seller (and in collusion with the copyright holder, the manufacturer, along the chain). A legal entity always has more influence than an ordinary consumer. That is why consumer legislation is NOT symmetrical in terms of the rights of the consumer and sellers/producers. But even legally illiterate A does not know about this or he is just a sales bot.

Quote from: A on August 07, 2023, 22:09:43Same reason why each transistor doesn't go on your sale receipt. They view the purchase as a whole.
You again build intentionally, out of yourself, fool. Although you understand very well that the OS is easily separable, but there are no transistors in the crystal. You are a liar, a demagogue and a bot of sellers / manufacturers, this is already obvious.

For example, memory and SSD are easily separable, where they are not soldered. And this is also an omission of corrupt consumer law enforcement agencies. Because often vile manufacturers deliberately impose a smaller amount of RAM (for example, 8+8, instead of 16+16), and the price of 16+16 (if it is sold in series and is available in the country of sale from sellers (and often this is not)) is set 2-5 times higher than retail prices for RAM and with a guarantee not in 1-2 years as part of a laptop, but at least 5-10 years. Same thing with SSD. And all this the consumer can easily save money - by installing it purchased in advance or from the same seller separately components at the time of purchase and abandoning the factory imposition of factory components easy for replace with one goal from manufacturers - to sell obsolete garbage from warehouses, which otherwise will have to be written off.

Quote from: A on August 07, 2023, 22:09:43You are assuming those users all use FireFox, they do not.
You are lying. Because on W7-W8.1, nothing but FF has been left since February 2023. Therefore, 100% of them use FF if they want to have an up-to-date browser. Thus, you acknowledged that Mozilla, against the backdrop of an insignificant market share of browsers in FF, acted simply stupidly, losing the key 5-6% at once. These people, as soon as they are forced to switch to W10-11, will no longer use FF most likely. Of course, except for those who, like me, clearly understand that all people using Chrome / Edge on screens with ppi less than 220 are definitely spoiling their eyesight. But alas, most people are idiots. And in this case, they are punishing themselves, although because of these idiots, people who understand the essence of the problem, like me, suffer as well. experts like me are a vanishing minority on the planet, the majority ignoring the harm to their own eyesight allows the bastards at Google and M$ to continue to ship browsers with incorrect black and white anti-aliasing, which becomes invisible only at ppi from about 220. That is why on all smartphones, with ppi much more than 250, there is simply no such problem. And the bastards from Google do not care that the owners of laptop and PC screens with ppi are most often much below 150, 100% spoil their eyesight without understanding the essence of the problem due to their own stupidity. Although the bastard developers of Google and M$ are well aware of the essence of the problem - the bug tracker is full of indications of incorrect black-and-white anti-aliasing.

Quote from: A on August 07, 2023, 22:09:43No it is not a fact, it is an opinion.
It makes no sense to paint on dozens of pages the violation of the Constitution, which has taken on a mass character in all countries and the further, the stronger.

Quote from: A on August 07, 2023, 22:09:43Me telling people that the default windows defender is good enough for most people is advertisement for antivirus companies?
Any real IT specialist, unlike suckers, knows perfectly well that antiviruses are useless and never catch the latest versions of viruses, trojans that use zero-day vulnerabilities. Moreover, this useless garbage consumes significant system resources for nothing.

It is enough to observe cleanliness and have common sense when using unknown content so that there are no problems. I have not had any problems for 15 years.

Therefore, you are a demagogue who exactly uses the slogans of companies producing this useless garbage. Not only that, those who sell it for a fee must intentionally support the opinion of customers that their software is useful - which means they are interested in the customer being scared all the time and buying a subscription for years.

Virtually all antivirus companies are 100% parasites sucking money out of idiots.
Title: Re: Firefox 116 drops Windows 7 and 8, as well as macOS 10.1
Post by: A on August 08, 2023, 23:27:35
Quote from: NikoB on August 08, 2023, 11:20:18Fortunately, all your remarks and shameful flight from key discussions remained on the forum. So you are a liar.
So you consider any discussion you ran away from as not a "key discussion"? lol, okay

QuoteStart with yourself - you can't even write "Hello world" on your own. I have at least hundreds of thousands of lines of code in my luggage and not shitty html code, like today's "web designers".
You can code in your luggage? Was that code written on a typewriter? OR printed T-shirts? And you say "today's web designers", but what did webdesigners in the past use if not html? Flash, ActiveX, Java Applet?

QuoteNo, it doesn't. According to our local consumer laws, he cannot impose additional services if they are not needed by the consumer. And OS is an additional service. That is why you can return money for OS.

This is an illegal action on the part of the seller (and in collusion with the copyright holder, the manufacturer, along the chain). A legal entity always has more influence than an ordinary consumer. That is why consumer legislation is NOT symmetrical in terms of the rights of the consumer and sellers/producers. But even legally illiterate A does not know about this or he is just a sales bot.
I am not sure why you are blaming me for US law. I wasn't the one who wrote it.

And again, how many people would actually go out of their way to get a refund of something prebundled

QuoteYou again build intentionally, out of yourself, fool. Although you understand very well that the OS is easily separable, but there are no transistors in the crystal. You are a liar, a demagogue and a bot of sellers / manufacturers, this is already obvious.

For example, memory and SSD are easily separable, where they are not soldered. And this is also an omission of corrupt consumer law enforcement agencies. Because often vile manufacturers deliberately impose a smaller amount of RAM (for example, 8+8, instead of 16+16), and the price of 16+16 (if it is sold in series and is available in the country of sale from sellers (and often this is not)) is set 2-5 times higher than retail prices for RAM and with a guarantee not in 1-2 years as part of a laptop, but at least 5-10 years. Same thing with SSD. And all this the consumer can easily save money - by installing it purchased in advance or from the same seller separately components at the time of purchase and abandoning the factory imposition of factory components easy for replace with one goal from manufacturers - to sell obsolete garbage from warehouses, which otherwise will have to be written off.

I don't disagree with you that it is corruption and BS, just pointing out how it is. Our supreme court ruled that money = freedom of speech

QuoteYou are lying. Because on W7-W8.1, nothing but FF has been left since February 2023. Therefore, 100% of them use FF if they want to have an up-to-date browser. Thus, you acknowledged that Mozilla, against the backdrop of an insignificant market share of browsers in FF, acted simply stupidly, losing the key 5-6% at once. These people, as soon as they are forced to switch to W10-11, will no longer use FF most likely.
You have no clue what you are talking about, even my own data on our corporate site shows FireFox users are not all on Windows 7-8.1, that is nonsense. Most users are on latest windows. And FF has not fully abandoned W7-8.1 until September 2024 when ESR stops supporting it.

QuoteIt makes no sense to paint on dozens of pages the violation of the Constitution, which has taken on a mass character in all countries and the further, the stronger.
Again, you can't name a single constitution and where it is a violation.

QuoteAny real IT specialist, unlike suckers, knows perfectly well that antiviruses are useless and never catch the latest versions of viruses, trojans that use zero-day vulnerabilities. Moreover, this useless garbage consumes significant system resources for nothing.

It is enough to observe cleanliness and have common sense when using unknown content so that there are no problems. I have not had any problems for 15 years.

Therefore, you are a demagogue who exactly uses the slogans of companies producing this useless garbage. Not only that, those who sell it for a fee must intentionally support the opinion of customers that their software is useful - which means they are interested in the customer being scared all the time and buying a subscription for years.

Virtually all antivirus companies are 100% parasites sucking money out of idiots.
Sorry, but you have no clue what you are talking about. Antiviruses get definition upgrades way faster then your OS would patch things, that is because it is easier to do so. This is why even MS bundles free AV called Windows Defender

And no, AV can block zero day exploits via Heuristic analyses and policies
Title: Re: Firefox 116 drops Windows 7 and 8, as well as macOS 10.1
Post by: NikoB on August 09, 2023, 12:47:49
Quote from: A on August 08, 2023, 23:27:35So you consider any discussion you ran away from as not a "key discussion"?
It is to decide to readers which of us shamefully loses, over and over again. After all, I turn to a smart minority, extremely rare on the forums. But for the sake of them I write, sometimes it gives fruitful results, sometimes not, depends on luck with the audience of a particular forum.

Quote from: A on August 08, 2023, 23:27:35You can code in your luggage? Was that code written on a typewriter? OR printed T-shirts? And you say "today's web designers", but what did webdesigners in the past use if not html? Flash, ActiveX, Java Applet?
I will no longer answer, because you are simply an idiot who can not even write something but examples from textbooks and easily fill up any survey for the professional of knowledge. This is clear in advance. Therefore, it makes no sense to listen to nonsense from who is not in the know who I am.

Quote from: A on August 08, 2023, 23:27:35I am not sure why you are blaming me for US law. I wasn't the one who wrote it.

And again, how many people would actually go out of their way to get a refund of something prebundled
You are again lying and distort the written demagogs I have written in my slippery situation, losing to clean once again. It is funny, as you yourself have buried yourself over and over again, but smart readers, they notice all this.

Those who do not make efforts do not deserve respect. They cause only contempt if they agreed with pressure and coercion.

Quote from: A on August 08, 2023, 23:27:35I don't disagree with you that it is corruption and BS, just pointing out how it is. Our supreme court ruled that money = freedom of speech
Your Supreme Court could not decide anything like that.

Quote from: A on August 08, 2023, 23:27:35You have no clue what you are talking about, even my own data on our corporate site shows FireFox users are not all on Windows 7-8.1, that is nonsense. Most users are on latest windows. And FF has not fully abandoned W7-8.1 until September 2024 when ESR stops supporting it.
You again ineptly manipulate the facts, immediately stupidly neglecting that they use W10/W11, because only one actual browser - FF remained under the W7 -W8.1.

ESR support is useless for a simple reason - it does not take into account changes in other browsers, but only corrects the gaps in safety. There are already a lot of sites that do not work normally even in the relatively fresh FF110, and part of the code does not even work in FF115, the last for W7-W8.1, where there was an attempt to hide in the changes in chrome, the most popular browser on the planet (even if this is also It was essentially done with criminal methods, as it once happened with Windows). Therefore, how, only the sites you need will cease to function normally on the FF115 engine, everything will be over under W7-W7-W8.1, even if the browser receives safety patches in ESR mode.

Any professional understands this perfectly, but not a regular demagogue A, an ordinary ordinary technically illiterate layman.

Quote from: A on August 08, 2023, 23:27:35Again, you can't name a single constitution and where it is a violation.
You are lying again. On this occasion, even in the United States there are a lot of claims from the prosecutor's office of the States and a lot of claims from the civil remnants of society. Whole sites are devoted to this. What is the point of throwing a bisser in front of a full-time clown А?

Quote from: A on August 08, 2023, 23:27:35Sorry, but you have no clue what you are talking about. Antiviruses get definition upgrades way faster then your OS would patch things, that is because it is easier to do so. This is why even MS bundles free AV called Windows Defender

And no, AV can block zero day exploits via Heuristic analyses and policies
You are ridiculous, taking into account the fact that I myself once wrote viruses for fun. No antivirus will help you against the vulnerabilities of the zero day (moreover, the "day" here is a purely conditional structure that can stretch for months and even years =)).

But how to know this to the standard demagogue A, because he is an amateur and ordinary layman who does not understand anything in the development of software and systemic programming.
Title: Re: Firefox 116 drops Windows 7 and 8, as well as macOS 10.1
Post by: A on August 10, 2023, 12:23:24
Quote from: NikoB on August 09, 2023, 12:47:49It is to decide to readers which of us shamefully loses, over and over again. After all, I turn to a smart minority, extremely rare on the forums. But for the sake of them I write, sometimes it gives fruitful results, sometimes not, depends on luck with the audience of a particular forum.
And it will be readers who decide that, not you. End of the day you do nothing but create double standards treating every time you lose as "none key discussions" while cherry picking whatever you wish

QuoteI will no longer answer, because you are simply an idiot who can not even write something but examples from textbooks and easily fill up any survey for the professional of knowledge. This is clear in advance. Therefore, it makes no sense to listen to nonsense from who is not in the know who I am.
All you have is talk, yet you didn't even know what overlayfs was

QuoteYou are again lying and distort the written demagogs I have written in my slippery situation, losing to clean once again. It is funny, as you yourself have buried yourself over and over again, but smart readers, they notice all this.

Those who do not make efforts do not deserve respect. They cause only contempt if they agreed with pressure and coercion.
Can you rewrite that in plain english? All you keep doing is going side wards on any discussion

QuoteYour Supreme Court could not decide anything like that.
Our supreme court unfortunately can

QuoteYou again ineptly manipulate the facts, immediately stupidly neglecting that they use W10/W11, because only one actual browser - FF remained under the W7 -W8.1.
From Mozilla themselves "Mozilla's latest hardware survey shows that 13.44% of all Firefox installations run on Windows 7. It is second only to Windows 10, which has a commanding lead"

As always, you make nothing but baseless claims

QuoteESR support is useless for a simple reason - it does not take into account changes in other browsers, but only corrects the gaps in safety. There are already a lot of sites that do not work normally even in the relatively fresh FF110, and part of the code does not even work in FF115, the last for W7-W8.1, where there was an attempt to hide in the changes in chrome, the most popular browser on the planet (even if this is also It was essentially done with criminal methods, as it once happened with Windows). Therefore, how, only the sites you need will cease to function normally on the FF115 engine, everything will be over under W7-W7-W8.1, even if the browser receives safety patches in ESR mode.

Any professional understands this perfectly, but not a regular demagogue A, an ordinary ordinary technically illiterate layman.
Security patches are the most important thing there is. Most websites are coded to support most modern browsers and in worst case add polyfills. If a site doesn't work, it is either intentional or the programmer had no clue what they are doing. No amount of patches is going to fix that.

QuoteYou are lying again. On this occasion, even in the United States there are a lot of claims from the prosecutor's office of the States and a lot of claims from the civil remnants of society. Whole sites are devoted to this. What is the point of throwing a bisser in front of a full-time clown А?
Are you confusing the difference between laws and the constitutions? There are 2 different things...

QuoteYou are ridiculous, taking into account the fact that I myself once wrote viruses for fun. No antivirus will help you against the vulnerabilities of the zero day (moreover, the "day" here is a purely conditional structure that can stretch for months and even years =)).

But how to know this to the standard demagogue A, because he is an amateur and ordinary layman who does not understand anything in the development of software and systemic programming.
It doesn't matter how conditional it is, any application is converted into machine code. You can check if the software in question is utilizing shady code. On top of it, it can block certain actions like making a network connection or encrypt the disk. That doesn't mean that it is perfect, but it does work as I've seen plenty of zero day exploits that were sent through our mail systems picked by the antivirus even if there was some false positives
Title: Re: Firefox 116 drops Windows 7 and 8, as well as macOS 10.1
Post by: NikoB on August 12, 2023, 14:01:09
Quote from: A on August 10, 2023, 12:23:24And it will be readers who decide that, not you. End of the day you do nothing but create double standards treating every time you lose as "none key discussions" while cherry picking whatever you wish
A smart reader, a friend who owns critical thinking and common sense, has long understood who is promoting double standards and constantly lying, spreading demagoguery.

Quote from: A on August 10, 2023, 12:23:24All you have is talk, yet you didn't even know what overlayfs was
I don't need to know, because The world of Linux is of little interest to me, which does not negate my knowledge and experience, which the complete amateur A does not have and which constantly spreads demagoguery about the possibility of auditing "open code" (which in reality, in full, is not in any version of Linux) , which a complete amateur in software development A is not capable of, and even I will not do, although I audited and reverse-engineered some Linux drivers with specific goals to use the found nuances to manage drivers under Windows. Few people are capable of it. I do.

Quote from: A on August 10, 2023, 12:23:24an you rewrite that in plain english? All you keep doing is going side wards on any discussion
I will repeat what I wrote earlier:
Those who do not make efforts do not deserve respect. They cause only contempt if they agreed with pressure and coercion.

And about the google translator - this is "AI" from Google. They do nothing but smile. Like ChatGPT, but the suckers were temporarily bred for money. And this is clearly a "success"!

Quote from: A on August 10, 2023, 12:23:24Our supreme court unfortunately can
Please provide a link to a similar solution.

Quote from: A on August 10, 2023, 12:23:24rom Mozilla themselves "Mozilla's latest hardware survey shows that 13.44% of all Firefox installations run on Windows 7. It is second only to Windows 10, which has a commanding lead"

As always, you make nothing but baseless claims
Again, demagoguery, without specifying what is considered 100% and references to reliable studies. If it includes Android and other mobile OS, then this is a sham

Quote from: A on August 10, 2023, 12:23:24Security patches are the most important thing there is. Most websites are coded to support most modern browsers and in worst case add polyfills. If a site doesn't work, it is either intentional or the programmer had no clue what they are doing. No amount of patches is going to fix that.
Most of the townsfolk spit on "security", even with all the demagogy in the press. The most important thing is to support the normal operation of sites. If this is not the case (and FF115 no longer works on a number of sites), then the browser is dead. And since there is no choice - FF, in fact, at an accelerated pace (taking into account the debilitation and laziness of web developers) in less than six months will go into the state of a completely inoperative browser, which means that W7-W8.1 will be dead by the beginning of 2024, despite the presence "security patches" by ESR.

Quote from: A on August 10, 2023, 12:23:24Are you confusing the difference between laws and the constitutions? There are 2 different things...
As even current lawsuits against governments, including the United States and what they have been doing since 2020, prove - officials, lawyers and part of the judiciary deliberately ignore the Constitutions of all countries, I don't. Again demagogy and lies from A

Quote from: A on August 10, 2023, 12:23:24It doesn't matter how conditional it is, any application is converted into machine code. You can check if the software in question is utilizing shady code. On top of it, it can block certain actions like making a network connection or encrypt the disk. That doesn't mean that it is perfect, but it does work as I've seen plenty of zero day exploits that were sent through our mail systems picked by the antivirus even if there was some false positives
Again, empty demagoguery from an amateur and a liar A. I personally made viruses, for the sake of entertainment, which antiviruses did not see. Ultimately, there is no "AI" in antiviruses (and all the pros in system-level software development know this) and the human mind will certainly beat any antivirus.
And stupid laymen naively believe in the lies of anti-virus companies that they "protect" them, for the pleasure of the beneficiaries of these companies, who collect money from simpletons. In reality, they are just Trojans in the system, brazenly collecting information about the actions and data of the owner of the gadget and sending them online to the servers of these companies, which, like M$, brazenly trade them. And this is filthy worthless "software", which is also significantly slowed down by the OS and normal software, wasting a lot of system resources and leading to elevated temperatures, noise (especially on laptops) and, as a result, faster harware wear.

Title: Re: Firefox 116 drops Windows 7 and 8, as well as macOS 10.1
Post by: Neenyah on August 12, 2023, 15:48:59
Quote from: NikoB on August 12, 2023, 14:01:09I don't need to know, because The world of Linux is of little interest to me, which does not negate my knowledge and experience