The Spectre x360 14 can be considered an early look at what's to come for future Spectre and EliteBook laptops should HP decide to continue investing in 3:2 laptops.
AMD Envy x360 14", please.
3:2 EliteBooks would be the dream of our IT department. I also love that aspect ratio and EliteBooks are one of the best HP pro machines. Upgradeable RAM, wifi, SSD, and a great design.
The Elite Chromebook x360s already have 3:2 IPS but unfortunately upgradeable memory, wifi and dual storage no longer exist in the EliteBook 1000 series.
Wish they kept the socketed RAM and Ethernet port on the high-end line, because for people who want more RAM and possibly AMD Ryzen processors, unfortunately the low-end ProBooks are the only option.
When might the new EliteBooks with Tiger Lake be released?
Confused, read some saying tigerlake laptops support pcie gen4 hd while other articles say no.... anyone know? I ordered the 15t with 512 so might want to upgrade it later