Quote from: philcomments on November 14, 2021, 01:14:52
How can the display backlight flicker at 14880 Hz if the display does not have a backlight? Are the thousands of mini-LEDs supposed to flicker at 14880 Hz? Does the display have a backlight in addition to the thousands of mini-LEDs? Please explain and help readers like me understand.
MiniLED means instead of having a single backlight you have thousands. There are two ways to control how much light is emitted by a LED: control the current fed to it, or switch it rapidly on and off from full brightness to off, with the LED being on in proportion to the brightness, something known as pulse width modulation or PWM.
Controlling current is better but requires more complex circuitry and can be less power-efficient. PWM, on the other hand, can be detected by sensitive people as flickering, specially in peripheral vision where the rod cells are more sensitive to flickering because evolution planted predator-detecting neurons there.
On the MiniLED display, each zone is individually controlled, but still uses PWM to dim each zone.