Quote from: Belisarius on April 30, 2018, 15:07:31
Excellent article Codrut. Question is will they replace the failing butterfly keyboard that jam everywhere anytime and cost 700$ to replace? The keyboard issue, the oversized trackpad and lack of ports are the biggest impediment to a Mac experience, prompting me to consider a PC return first in 15 years.
Thank you! I guess they will do something about the keyboard, but remains to see if they come up with a better one or not. They could release a MacBook Pro with a full-touchscreen keypad, for example...
P.S. PCs are fine nowadays, so if you're not stuck with some macOS-exclusive apps, you could try the return. There's a lot of hardware to choose from, although there are some issues in this land as well. For example, I can't find a decent ergonomic keyboard. I am currently using a Microsoft 4000 and it would be great to find something with the same design but a decent build quality, macro keys that work when they should, and a price tag below 100 bucks.